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“It is very satisfying to have things in your own hands”
First, I want to apologize: Sorry for not writing more often. But we at LOCABA have extremely busy times. Currently we are in the midst of a big R&D effort… We can’t wait to open a big new chapter and serve you a new generation of delicious low-carb treats!
And while I was busy in my magic kitchen experimenting with new ingredients and tweaking recipes, I received a letter from Germany that makes all the work worth it. Please let me share it with you:
Dear Mr. Berndt,
I was recently diagnosed with type 2 diabetes. That first pulled the rug out from under me. I had always thought that this affects others, not myself!
Because of the diabetes I was now afraid to have to start with insulin, with all the consequences. But then I came across your story on the internet. How you fought to beat your diabetes through diet.
I bought your book “Diabetes ADE!” All this gave me so much courage to go this way instead of getting into the vicious cycle of pills or insulin.
My blood sugar values prove that I am on the right path. You have given me the courage to follow this new path with joy. And without feelings of having to give up anything. My diabetologist also encourages me.
I just wanted to thank you from the bottom of my heart for letting us share in your experience. It is very satisfying to have things in your own hands, to try new things and to gain your own experiences. I am much more aware of my body and I am developing my own expertise.
I wish you all the best from the bottom of my heart.
With kind regards,
Bodo Hirsch
This truly makes my day and gives me the strength to keep going. This proves that we can fight a war on diabetes with my method – and our delicious low-carb cakes, light and tasty gluten-free desserts or perfect keto cakes. Like I always say: it’s about self-indulgent choice and conscious lifestyle, never about sacrifice. This way you even can prevent to slip into Bodo’s situation.
Now I have to return to my kitchen and continue experimenting…
Of course, also a big thank you to your fantastic feedback in Singapore! Although my English is not the best (and also not the second-best), I love reading your comments on social media!
Stay safe & stay healthy!